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Posts from September 2017

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So You’re Moving to New Jersey & Want A Christian Education…

So you're moving to New Jersey and want a Christian education... well, this blog post is for you! As you can imagine, in considering this move, you're not alone. Families moving to New Jersey typically do so around a business transfer or job opportunity. This is not surprising. If metropolitan New York City were a…

Fall Pep Rally

[caption id="attachment_4483697" align="alignnone" width="600"] photo gallery[/caption] Before last week's Community Night double-header, the students of Eastern Christian High School enjoyed a Pep Rally. On the docket for the day: fun, music, fun, school spirit, and “The World’s Fastest Volleyball Tournament.” The Boys soccer team won the tournament and the right to take on the faculty.…

Ringing the Bell

In my office, hanging on the wall, is a large bell with a braided cord hanging from the clapper. It is a quality bell, so when I pull on the cord, there is a loud, resonating ring that can be heard in other offices and even downstairs. I love to ring that bell, but I’m…

The EC App is Here!

It's the app that's 125 years in the making! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new smart phone app. Our goal is to provide a parent-friendly smartphone app that allows EC parents to have all of their necessary EC information in one place. Features on this free download include: EC Academic…

The Sound of Music Cast Announced!

  Performance Dates Wednesday, November 8 at 4:00PM Thursday, November 9 at 4:00PM  Friday, November 10 at 7:30PM Saturday, November 11 at 7:30PM We’re excited to announce our cast! Please join us this Fall for Eastern Christian High School’s presentation of The Sound of Music! Maria Rainer Adelina Peretti Mother Abbess Nicola Venturini Captian George…

A Wall of Living Stones

1 Peter 2:4-6: As you come to him, the living Stone – rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For in Scripture it says:…

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